2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Environments

2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Environments
Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell’10)

Background and Goals: 
The workshop will bring together researchers from both industry and academia from the various disciplines to contribute to the 2nd year of the International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-Being (WISHWell 2010). Healthcare environments (within the hospital and the home) are extremely complex and challenging to manage from an IT and IS perspective, as they are required to cope with an assortment of patient conditions under various circumstances with a number of resource constraints. Pervasive healthcare technologies seek to respond to a variety of these pressures by integrating them within existing healthcare services. It is essential that intelligent pervasive healthcare solutions are developed and correctly integrated to assist health care professionals in delivering high levels of patient care. It is equally important that these pervasive solutions are used to empower patients and relatives for self-care and management of their health to provide seamless access for health care services.

Forum Informatika Kesehatan Indonesia 2010

Kesehatan merupakan bidang yang kaya akan data dan informasi. Data dan informasi kesehatan tersebut tersebar di berbagai penyedia layanan kesehatan primer, sekunder, tersier, dan organizasi-organisasi kesehatan. Belum termasuk penyedia asuransi kesehatan, pendidikan kesehatan dan fasilitas penyedia pemeriksaan pnunjang medis. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dirasa perlu dalam mengolah data dan informasi kesehatan yang jumlahnya tak terbatas. Walaupun adopsi teknologi ini dirasa lambat di dunia kesehatan, namun banyak institusi terkait kesehatan antusias dalam mengimplementasikan dalam organisasinya. Sebut saja aplikasi sistem informasi di puskesmas (SIMPUS) dan rekam kesehatan elektronik (RKE) di rumah sakit. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa hal ini dibutuhkan untuk kesinambungan organisasi dimana penyedia layanan kesehatan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang cepat, tepat aman dan efisien. Untuk itu, ketersediaan tenaga informatika kesehatan di organisasi merupakan kunci sukses implementasi teknologi informasi di sebuah institusi kesehatan.

Health Information Management Journal (HIMJ)

Health Information Management Journal (HIMJ) is the refereed, journal of the Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) Ltd. HIMJ is published in hardcopy and electronic formats. 
The Journal aims to promote the discipline of health information management through the provision of a forum for presentation of original research, short communications, reviews and commentaries. 
HIMJ is the major health information management journal published in Australia, the pacific and Asia.
The scope of HIMJ covers empirical research, management perspectives, workforce planning, practical experience, product technical reviews and applicable newsworthy commentary.
Site Url : hxxp://www.himaa.org.au/himj/journal.html

Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries

This health informatics journal has therefore been launched to focus on and promote research, experience and discussions related to health informatics in developing countries. Authors from developing countries are particularly encouraged to contribute in this area.
The journal comprises of articles, letters, and webcasts/podcasts. In line with the ethos of its publishers, the journal operates on a Free Publishing & Access Policy. Readers can view and download articles without any cost or registration.
The Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries (JHIDC) publishes two volumes every year, in December and in June.
To read all journal please visit : hxxp://www.jhidc.org/index.php/jhidc